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Relocating to Mauritius

Moving to Mauritius is attractive to investors and entrepreneurs due to its stable economy, business friendly legal framework, and favourable tax policies. The country offers a variety of licenses, making it easy to establish different types of businesses. Additionally, Mauritius has a thriving fintech sector. To set up a business, you will need to register your company with various authorities, select the right license, and understand the tax regulations.


More and more foreigners are considering moving to Mauritius for the following reasons:


  • Dynamic economic growth: Projections indicate a robust 4.2% economic expansion in 2024, drawing entrepreneurs and investors.


  • Favourable business environment: With a stable legal framework and a competitive 15% corporate tax rate, Mauritius consistently ranks among the top African nations globally for business facilitation and governance.


  • Diverse cultural experience: Affordable living, quality healthcare, safety, and access to international education (both English and French).


  • Business opportunities: From establishing businesses to investing in real estate and Fintech innovations, Mauritius offers a spectrum of avenues for growth and prosperity.


  • Happiness destination: Renowned as Africa’s top happiness destination, Mauritius blends lucrative business potential with personal fulfilment.




Family relocation is encouraged with regards to different dependents such as spouse, children and parents. 


Moving to Mauritius as a family has any advantages for a good family life. The country has a range of international schools that provide a high-quality education with a global perspective. Mauritius also has a low crime rate, ensuring the safety of your family. With a focus on family-friendly activities and a strong sense of community, Mauritius is a great place to raise a family.




Residency options when moving to Mauritius include the Residence Permit, Occupation Permit and the Permanent Residence Permit.


1. The Occupation Permit is a combined work and residence permit that allows foreign nationals to live and work in Mauritius for a maximum period of ten years, renewable under specific conditions. Working professionals, foreign investors and self-employed individuals can apply for the occupation permit. 


2. The Residence Permit is for foreign retirees and dependents of Occupation Permit or Residence Permit holders. Foreign retirees over 50 can apply for the Retired Permit in Mauritius for up to 10 years.


3. The Permanent Residence Permit allows non-citizens to live and work in Mauritius for 20 years. One way of getting permanent residence is by investing $375,000 in a real estate in Mauritius. Other ways of getting permanent residence are through an occupation permit and a retirement permit. This would mean being the holder of the permit for at least 3 years and meeting other conditions.




The cost of living is known to be generally more affordable than Western Europe or North America. Accommodation costs can range from USD 500 to USD 5000 per month, depending on location and amenities, while education costs can vary. Government-run schools are free. Other essentials like food, transportation, utilities, and healthcare are relatively affordable with quality.


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